Measure & Verify
- Introduction
- Step 1: Set boundaries
- Step 2: Collect & Calculate
- Get started: the GHG emissions calculation formula
- Identify and collect activity data for your GHG inventory
- Identify and collect relevant emissions factors
- Consolidate your company GHG footprint
- Digitize your inventory: streamline and automate GHG accounting
- Define and analyze metrics to prepare for decarbonization action
- Step 3: Verify
- Step 4: Improve and update
Digitize your inventory: streamline and automate GHG accounting
Selected calculation tools for your company GHG inventory
The consolidation phase may involve large amounts of data, therefore a GHG calculation tool is recommended to automatize this process. The tool should be capable of meeting a range of reporting requirements including:
collecting and recording data at a sufficiently granular level
tracking data sources and assumptions for verification purposes
providing different level of consolidation (e.g., at site or geography level)
facilitating the input and periodic updates of activity data and emissions factors
providing a high degree of standardization and auditability
Based on the complexity of the company and the data collection and validation processes, the GHG accounting tool can range from Excel format to software or be directly embedded in the company data management systems.
There are plenty of tools emerging to support companies in their GHG inventory process. The GHG Protocol and other stakeholders offer tools that can support your company GHG inventory at the beginning of its journey.
There are two main types of tools:
Calculators providing the structure and calculation sheet to generate the corporate GHG inventory once activity data has been collected. Generic emissions factors are often already incorporated
Simulators providing an estimate of the corporate GHG inventory using proxies and industry averages. These tools can be helpful as a start to identify emissions hotspots, particularly for SMEs
Some free tools are listed below and classified by type: