Report to GRI
How to report on a broad range of climate issues through the Global Reporting Initiative’s standards
Quick Guide: how to report in line with GRI

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is an independent, international standard organization that operates 25 standards to help businesses understand and communicate their impact on issues such as climate change, human rights, and corruption. GRI is considered a very high standard of sustainability reporting. GRI works closely with both the International Sustainability Standards Board and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group to ensure alignment and complementarity between its standards. As a result, definitions, concepts and disclosures in the new European Sustainability Reporting Standards are aligned as much as possible with the GRI standards.
GRI disclosure is voluntary and can be completed alongside other reports.
Learn more about reporting to GRI through their online resource and guidance center
For more information about the relationship between GRI standards and the ESRS, read this one pager.