
Get started: Understand climate action beyond value chain

BVCA serves as the means to close substantial financing gaps and contribute to meet targets, attract talent, and gain a competitive edge, amidst growing pressure to address negative impacts on climate, nature, and social issues.

Beyond-value-chain actions serve as a means to close substantial financing gaps and contributes to meet targets, attract talent, and gain a competitive edge, amidst growing pressure to address impacts on climate, nature, and social issues.

The world is currently off track to reach global climate, nature, and social targets, and the choices you make today can either exacerbate these crises or contribute to their mitigation. To achieve the ambitious 2030 global targets for people, planet, and prosperity, we must confront substantial financing gaps. The private sector must allocate $2.2 trillion to tackle climate change and $160 billion to tackle nature loss beyond the present level of commitments. Based on recent trends, an even further capital injection will be needed to reverse the trend in inequality, although that figure has not yet been calculated.

These gaps need to be closed urgently. In-value chain investments, though pivotal, remain insufficient to meet our financing needs. While some companies are actively addressing their negative impacts, most companies worldwide are not yet taking any action to address their GHG emissions, nature footprint or social impacts. Furthermore, there are numerous emissions sources that sit outside of corporate value chains altogether.

In addition to your company's philanthropic ethos, there's a growing demand both internally and externally for businesses to seriously address climate change impacts. Meeting climate targets, attracting and retaining top talent, making credible environmental claims, and gaining a competitive edge are all enhanced when your company can demonstrate its meaningful contributions to global climate action. Stakeholders across the board, from customers to employees to potential investors, all expect your company to contribute positively to the planet. Beyond-value-chain actions can serve as your company's means to fulfil these expectations.