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Understand the role of carbon removals in your net-zero strategy
Learn more about removals
In theory, there are two ways to address rising levels of GHGs in the atmosphere. We can reduce the creation of new GHGs (abatement) and increase the removal of existing ones (removal). In the context of SBTi net zero, as companies achieve their net zero targets, which are at least 90% reduced emissions for most sectors, they will need to neutralize their remaining emissions with removals.
Image: Visual explanation of carbon removals
Source: Ted Talks, Carbon Engineering
The IPCC has a taxonomy of carbon dioxide removals which includes both technological removals and nature-based solutions.
NCS: natural climate solutions
BECCS: bioenergy with carbon capture and storage
DACS: direct air capture
CDR: carbon dioxide removal
Image: Carbon dioxide removals
Source: IPCC AR6 WGIII, Chapter 12, AR6 Scenario Explorer hosted by International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)