Set target

Get ready: prepare your organization for net-zero implementation
Once you have set and evaluated your targets, you need to ensure they will drive effectively climate action within your organization and your value chain.
To do so, there are three key set of actions your organization can activate:
1. Embed your climate ambition in your organization’s purpose and strategy
Integrating your climate target into your business’s core strategy is necessary to give the net zero initiative sufficient weighting to be realized, and is also important to ensure your business fully benefits from the ambition as the economy begins its broader net zero transition.
2. Cascade net zero components of strategy to your broader organization
A climate strategy will be of little use unless the strategy cascades to the operational level. This section outlines best practices (e.g., performance metrics, governance structures, employee upskilling) you should follow to ensure net zero strategy begins to take shape in the day-to-day operations of your company.
3. Accelerate progress through net zero industry networks
Some innovation challenges are too expensive or high risk for companies to solve on their own, so forming or joining innovation peer groups can be helpful. Gather corporates, academics and investors in related sectors or geographies with net zero aligned ambition to get exposure, share best practices and influence others to accelerate transitions. Commit to align with global net zero efforts by 2050 at the latest is usually one of the key requirements to join.