Action Type
Quick Wins

Use solar desalination to produce clean water
Solar desalination provides clean water using only sea and sun at private island development company Ki'ama Bahamas.

Optimize company-wide management of energy efficiency
LYB’s value enhancement program (VEP) is a company-wide program reducing costs and emissions by saving energy in procurement, logistics, and customer service improvements.

Re-use excess energy from operations to heat buildings
Novonesis uses captured energy from operations to heat homes through a district heating system in Greater Copenhagen.

Apply solar thermal water heating in industrial processes
Givaudan implemented solar concentrators to preheat boiler water, significantly reducing natural gas consumption and GHG emissions in Cuernavaca.

Use molten salt energy storage in heating and industry
Kyoto Group's Norbis Park Heatcube, a molten salt thermal energy storage system, supports Norbis Park with replacing coal-generated district heating by renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions.

Deploy high wave-resilient offshore floating solar
This floating offshore demonstrator proved significant efficiency and production gains over comparable onshore rooftop solar installations.

Switch to hybrid-electric furnace design in glass production
Ardagh Glass’s NextGen Furnace uses hybrid technology to reduce the carbon footprint of commercial-scale glass production, by replacing fossil fuel energy with renewable electricity.

Create additive renewables within grid
Kalsec enrolled in its energy provider's Large Customer Renewable Energy Program; in 2028, half of the primary site’s yearly electricity will come from in-grid utility scale renewable sources.

Utilize floating solar power plant installations
HelioRec installed a 25kW floating solar project in Brest Port, France, overcoming extreme tidal changes, waves and high winds, while saving electricity costs and creating renewable energy.

Build a strategic approach to renewable electricity sourcing
A well-designed renewables strategy reduces a company’s carbon footprint and hedges against energy market volatility, often lowering energy costs

Enhance building energy efficiency through AI automation
AI-powered automation solution to optimize the energy efficiency of the HVAC system of a large office complex, resulting in significant energy and cost savings.

Convert biowaste into biogas to accelerate decarbonization
Manufacturers can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and recycle their organic waste by using it as biomass feedstock to generate biogas and biomethane

Optimize lubricant application in industrial turbines
SRP, a major US power utility, partnered with Fluitec to transform their consumable turbine oils into lubricants that will last the life of their turbines, reducing costs and CO2e

Utilize solar thermal HaaS to cut industrial emissions
Heineken uses a Heat-as-a-Service model to utilize solar thermal power to reduce emissions from heat generation.

Integrate energy management systems in pulp and paper mills
Integrating the ISO 50001 Energy Management System leads to significant GHG emissions reductions and cost savings.

Adopt heat recovery technologies in the pulp mill
Adopting heat recovery technologies in the pulpmill can increase efficiency of operations, recovering waste generated as a by-product of the pulping and papermaking process.

Reduce furnace CO2 emissions with a heat exchanger
Installing a Heat Recovery Tower recovers generated heat and reduces HFO (heavy fuel oil) consumption, reducing costs and with no impact on production

Move to offshore wind electricity generation
Wind offshore electricity generation harnesses higher and more consistent wind speeds and can reduce CO2 emissions compared to coal-based electricity

Use a simplified lease program for renewable energy
Cathay Life will purchase renewable energy on behalf of its tenants and redistribute it based on clients’ RE100 annual goal

Invest in solar power for affordable and clean energy supply
Companies can develop rooftop solar power infrastructure to cut emissions and achieve energy independence

Use renewable energy through distributed generation
Neutralizing GHG emissions from Iguá's electrical matrix using renewable energy from distributed generation.

Integrate carbon dioxide removal into climate strategies
Develop responsible carbon dioxide removal (CDR) investment strategies to maximize climate impact and broader sustainability goals and minimize risk.

Switch to low-carbon fuels: deep dive on low-carbon hydrogen
Low-carbon hydrogen has several advantages as a fuel, as it does not emit CO2 into the atmosphere when burned and can be stored in large volumes compared to electricity

Adopt BECCS technologies
As the pulp and paper industry is the largest industrial consumer of biomass, there are many large sources of biogenic GHG emissions that could be captured with BECSS

Adopt heat recovery technologies in the sawmill
Adopting heat recovery technologies in the sawmill can increase efficiency and reduce heat loss which saves energy, reduces fuel combustion and emissions associated with operations.

Switch to industrial electric boilers
Electric boilers convert electricity into heat to produce steam, with almost 100% efficiency, reducing the greenhouse gas emissions typically associated with heat production

Maximize waste recovery in the pulp and paper mill
Adopting processes to recover energy from waste, such as black liquor gasification, can lead to higher resource and energy efficiency, while reducing GHG emissions

Decarbonize low-temperature heating using heat as a service
Heat as a service (HaaS) enables companies to source sustainable heat through a long-term contract without the need for upfront investment.

Decarbonize low-temperature industrial heat with heat pumps
Industrial heat pumps generate low-temperature process heat with higher efficiency and lower GHG emissions than conventional fossil fuel heating options.

Source renewable electricity with PPA
Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) enable companies to source renewable electricity and achieve operational cost savings without upfront investments.

Switch to electric/hybrid heat pumps in buildings
The use of electric or hybrid heat pumps is becoming more competitive economically in recent years and can accelerate the process of decarbonization.

Harness green hydrogen for ammonia generation
Green hydrogen as an efficient and economically viable decarbonization solution for industrial use, reducing natural gas requirements and GHG emissions

Shift from gas or coal to electric industrial furnaces
The decreased cost of electrical equipment and increased energy efficiency grows opportunites for electrictrifying industries, enabling a reduction in GHG emissions

Opt for solar thermal water heating in buildings
Installing solar thermal can reduce the indirect use phase carbon dioxide emissions in water heating, with the potential varying with climate conditions.

Harness PPA for renewable electricity
Using Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to achieve 100% renewable electricity goal, through collective efforts with other businesses to support renewable projects

Optimize chiller efficiency with artificial intelligence
Improved chiller efficiency at the Olympian City 3 shopping mall in Hong Kong by harnessing artificial intelligence (AI), reducing energy used and related costs

Generate electricity with onshore wind
A switch from coal -and gas- based electricity generation to onshore wind can reduce related lifecycle emissions while enabling cost efficient electricity generation

Opt for electric medium temperature heating systems
Electrifying medium temperature heating systems within industry player’s operations allows for lower operating costs, higher efficiency and lower CO2 emissions

Switch to electric/hybrid boilers in buildings
Installing electric or hybrid boilers for building heating reduces carbon dioxide emissions across all stages of the product life cycle and all GHG scopes

Move from gas to electric low temperature heating systems
Electrifying low temperature heating processes offers higher energy efficiency, lower investment while significantly reducing operational GHG emissions

Design and implement SF6-free solutions for the grid
Decrease SF6 emissions by establishing cross-sector partnerships to identify, design, develop and implement SF6-free assets

Retrofit buildings with insulation
Retrofitting buildings (residential or commercial) with insulation systems can reduce associated lifecycle emissions and save annual utility payments

Switch to solar energy with rooftop photovoltaics
A shift in the power mix from coal- and gas-based electricity generation to photovoltaics can substantially reduce related lifecycle emissions

Set sustainable energy management standards
Setting sustainable energy management standards to drive the implementation of renewable energy strategies all over the company's operations